This quote applies most aptly to the professional thief in Utopia
as well as in it's source material.
The professional thief has long recieved little respect in the game of Utopia, and the actions of a few "multi thieves" has really hurt the professionals in the game.
It is the interest of this guild, not to create a resource for gangbanging thieves, but rather a place where the true professionals can have their voices heard, if only by their peers.
In essence, this is a social group at this time. A site where tactics, resources, etc. can be discussed in regard to thievery in Utopia. It is also a place where friendships can be forged between other players with similar interests.
You are invited to maintain an open discussion in the forum or sign the keeper's book, but you are obligated by honor not to use the forum or book for spam. As members of the guild may be anyone from children, not yet in their teens to preachers ready for retirement, I ask that you keep the content clean.
I wish to invite you to spread word of the Utopian Thieves Guilds existence. Tell other professional thieves in your kingdom, as well as those you may meet in your travels.
As a war ends, if you see a thief who conducted himself honorably, and effectivly, feel free to message him/her. Compliment them on their effectivness. Afterall most of the wars this round are strictly business. Invite them to visit our site and forums.
I do not require posting of kingdom or province names, but I hold you to your honor to post under the same name you use as your province leader, and further wish to encourage you to set up an e-mail account, or some other means of contact outside of the game in which members of the guild may contact you.
Finally, The Utopian Thieves Guild is not like other alliances at this
time. We are open to membership from any kingdom, and permit members of
any other alliances to join our ranks. We are not intended to be a tool
for war at this time, simply a group of peers who share a common interest.
September 3rd, 2000
*The above letter was taken and edited from Valarien's post "Welcome
to the Utopian Thieves Guild" in the UTG forums with his permission.